Alliance Code of Ethics

Alliance Code of Ethics
Alliance members have voluntarily agreed to uphold the following high standards of professional ethics. All members are united for excellence and Alliance approved.
Section 1: The Individuals and Families We Serve
Alliance members shall provide supports and services with the highest compassion, respect, integrity, and professionalism.
Alliance members shall use a person-centered approach to provide services and supports that balance the person’s personal goals and choices (what is important to the person) with their health and safety (what is important for the person). Alliance members shall promote the person’s choice, self-determination, inclusion, growth, development, and independence.
Alliance members shall respect the right to privacy and confidentiality for the people and families they serve. Members shall not disclose privileged or nonpublic information.
Alliance members shall readily provide relevant, current, and truthful information to the people and families they serve to support an environment of informed choice and self-determination.
Alliance members shall promote Employment First principles to encourage competitive, integrated employment of people with disabilities within the general workforce.
Alliance members shall promote access to technology and information as an equal right for people with disabilities.
Alliance members will center the voices and perspectives of people with disabilities in designing and implementing their services and business practices.
Section 2: Business Ethics
Alliance members shall aim to implement existing and emerging best practices in the field of service delivery for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities and maintain a commitment to being Colorado’s thought leader in the intellectual and developmental disability services community.
Alliance members shall respect the person’s right to choice and will support a fair and competitive marketplace by not using solicitation, coercion, or persuasion to influence a person’s decisions regarding their services or providers.
Alliance members shall provide accurate and timely information when necessary and appropriate to other members, legislators, Alliance staff, state department staff, and the larger community.
Alliance members shall be transparent and responsible stewards of public and private funds.
Alliance members shall comply with all applicable local, state, and federal laws, statutes, and regulations.
Alliance members that provide direct services shall support Direct Support Professionals through high-quality training and competitive wages and benefits, within the parameters of available state and federal funding.
Alliance members that provide case management services shall make available to service providers detailed and complete information during the Request for Proposal process about the characteristics, support needs, approved services, rates, and relevant finances to allow the service provider to submit an informed and reasonable proposal to the individual requesting services.
Alliance members shall speak with respect and cooperate with other members, legislators, Alliance staff, state department staff, and the larger community.
Section 3: Alliance Membership Responsibilities
Alliance members shall promote Alliance’s mission, vision, and values while adhering to the bylaws of the corporation.
Alliance members shall collaborate and communicate as appropriate with advocacy groups, state and community partners when promoting Alliance’s mission and values.
Alliance members shall distinguish, when appropriate, statements and actions made as an individual and those made as a representative of Alliance.
Alliance members shall take no action that could benefit them at the expense of Alliance.
Alliance members shall create an inclusive, diverse, equitable, and accessible environment that is culturally responsive where all members of our organization are supporting behavior that enriches our community and strive to identify and name systemic racism and other forms of discrimination.
Section 4: Code of Ethics Complaints
Any Alliance member can submit a code of ethics complaint to the Membership Services Committee. The Membership Services Committee will seek responses from all parties involved and forward those responses to the Executive Committee for review and/or action. If the Executive Committee determines that a member has failed to comply with the Code of Ethics, it may request corrective action, up to and including removal from membership of the Association in accordance with Article III, Section 8 of Alliance’s Bylaws.