"Roll Up Your Sleeves" Resources:
COIDD Testimonials and Photos of "Roll Up Your Sleeves" Celebrations!
Vaccination Resources for the Colorado Intellectual and Developmental Disability (COIDD) Community (below)
RESOLUTION: In Support of COVID-19 Vaccine Adoption and Promotion of Best Practices
Vaccination Resources for the Colorado Intellectual and Developmental Disability (COIDD) Community
Colorado Department of Public Health & Environment (CDPHE) Resources:
Mask Guidance:
CDC Resources:
COVID-19 Vaccination Communication Toolkit for Health Systems and Clinics
Social media messaging and video at the bottom of page will be extremely helpful for communicators!
COVID-19 Vaccine Resources: People with Disabilities by Dr. Karen Remley, CDC
Colorado State Resources:
HHS Launches Hotline to Improve Access to COVID-19 Vaccines for People with Disabilities
CDPHE provides latest information on COVID-19 vaccine distribution | Colorado COVID-19 Updates
Vaccination Clinic Resources:
Walgreens COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic Inquiries
Talking Points/FAQ​​
AMDA - The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine Resources:
Strategies for Improving Staff & Resident Confidence in the COVID 19 Vaccine
COVID-19 Vaccine: Answers to Your Questions (.pdf presentation)
American Health Care Association/National Center for Assisted Living (AHCA/NCAL #GetVaccinated) Resources:
Myth Versus Fact:
Local Resources:
Supporting Individuals with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities – COVID-19 Vaccine: Overcoming Fears and Myths (Mar. 3, 2021) - from Community Advantage and Pharmacy Alternatives
Keeping You in the Loop : A COVID-19 Vaccine Q&A (Dec. 11, 2020) - from Children's Hospital Colorado
Alliance's Local Public Health Department Contact Information Document
Boulder County Health Infectious Diseases Specialists Review the COVID-19 Vaccine - video
Advocacy Tools:
Plain Language Guides:
Vaccination Infographics:
The COVID-19 Vaccine Easy Read Edition by autisticadvocacy.org
Pregnancy, breastfeeding and COVID-19 by the World Health Organization
The Journey of a Vaccine by the National Institutes of Health
Prioritization Advocacy for the IDD Community:​
Detroit's Covid vaccination queue is one of first to include people with ADHD, other disabilities (NBC News, 2.20.21)
Opinion: Coloradans with intellectual and developmental disabilities should qualify now for COVID-19 vaccination (The Colorado Sun, 2.17.21)
'People with intellectual and developmental disabilities have been forgotten': Council pushes for vaccine priority for high-risk group (Denver 9 News, 2.15.21)
Arc Thrift CEO, Lloyd Lewis: https://arcthrift.com/priority (2/11/21)