Stabilize the Direct Support Workforce for People with Disabilities

The Direct Support Professional (DSP) Base Wage
is now $15 per hour in Colorado
Thank you for the budget recommendation, Governor Polis!
We urge the Colorado General Assembly to permanently fund this important DSP workforce investment.
Legislator Contact: Emma Hudson
Stabilize the Direct Support Workforce for People with Disabilities
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Services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) are a unique marriage of the private sector and the public good. Provider agencies offer essential, close-contact supports to assist people with their most basic daily needs. These services are delivered through a dedicated workforce of Direct Support Professionals (DSPs).
A Direct Support Professional, or DSP, is a worker who assists a person with disabilities to lead a fulfilling life in the community through a diverse range of services, such as helping them get ready in the morning, take medication, find a job, and participate in social activities. Many of these essential services cannot be suspended due to staffing shortages.

Colorado has been recognized as a leader in supporting the IDD community throughout the pandemic with temporary rate enhancements, regulatory flexibilities, and more. While these efforts were critical to mitigate worst-case scenarios, the workforce issues that previously existed only continue to worsen as the pandemic lingers and new variants emerge. The pressures and risks associated with providing essential, close-contact supports during a pandemic have exacerbated longstanding workforce shortages attributable to low wages and high responsibility in direct support jobs. For decades, IDD providers have struggled to compete with other entry-level employers such as fast-food chains and large retailers whose jobs involve less complexity and personal risk, often at higher wages. We can no longer keep up. Despite increasing wages, recruitment and referral bonuses, and other incentives, IDD providers are experiencing more difficulty than ever in recruiting the critical workforce that supports Coloradans with IDD.
Many providers are temporarily closing programs due to staff shortages and transferring staff to in-home services that cannot be suspended. Some have even had to bring in help from the National Guard to make sure needs are met. Providers are turning away new referrals, delaying the launch of new services, and facing unsustainable turnover costs. The DSPs who remain are exhausted. Most important are the impacts on people with IDD, who can’t access the full range of supports and are stressed from having new staff cycling in and out of their residences to help them with their most intimate needs.
Colorado’s direct support workforce has never been in a more precarious position.

Make permanent the reimbursement rate increases implemented through the American Rescue Plan Act, which support a $15/hour base wage for DSPs. Without continuation of this funding, a significant wage cliff will create an exodus among DSPs beginning in 2024.
Provide a rate increase equal to the Denver-Aurora-Lakewood CPI for those IDD services left out of the ARPA targeted increase, including Targeted Case Management, Behavioral, and Professional Services. Providers are experiencing the same workforce challenges for these services which will be further exacerbated by high inflation.
Supporters of Stabilizing the Direct Care Workforce in 2022
Community Centered Boards:
Blue Peaks Developmental Services, Inc.
Colorado Bluesky Enterprises, Inc.
Community Connections, Inc.
Community Options, Inc.
Developmental Disabilities Resource Center
Developmental Pathways
Eastern Colorado Services for the DD
Foothills Gateway, Inc.
Horizons Specialized Services
Inspiration Field
Mountain Valley Developmental Services, Inc.
North Metro Community Services
Rocky Mountain Human Services
Southeastern Developmental Services, Inc.
Southern Colorado Developmental Disability Services
The Resource Exchange
IDD Provider Agencies:
A Better Life Experience, Inc. (ABLE)
A Brighter Community, LLC
Ability Specialists
Activity Options
Alpine Adult Day Care, LLC & Alpine Homecare, LLC
Ariel Clinical Services
Ascendigo Autism Services
Behavior Services of the Rockies
C.A.R.E. Inc
Cheyenne Village
Colorado Autism Consultants
Community Advantage
Community Link
Community Living Alternatives
Community Support Services
Continuum of Colorado
Cottonwood Community Alternatives
Dungarvin Colorado, Inc.
Dynamic Dimensions, Inc.
Easterseals Colorado
Elevated Supports
Evergreen Service Providers
FRIENDS of Broomfield
Garden, Inc.
Integrated Life Choices
Jewish Family Service of Colorado
Jordan Residential and Vocational Services
Karuna Care Services
KP Supports
Metro Support Services
Oliver Behavioral Consultants
Parker Personal Care Homes, Inc.
Pueblo Diversified Industries
Quality Life Services
Rehabilitative Rhythms Music Therapy
Roundup Fellowship
Sample Supports
Schaefer Enterprises
Shields Foundation
Skills Academy Vocational Center
Stepping Stone Support Center
Support, Inc.
The Child and Family Therapy Center of Denver
Thrive Community Options
Wellspring Community
Strategic Partners:
Apex Pharmacy
ClearSpring Pharmacy
Centerpoint Insurance Group/Care Association
Ease-e Medical
Empowered Margins
Flood & Peterson
PDC Pharmacy
Pharmacy Alternatives
Shield HealthCare
Ward Road Pharmacy
Advocacy Partners:
Disability Law Colorado
The Arc of Colorado
COMING SOON: IDD Workforce Crisis Testimonials
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Webinar: State Policies to Strengthen the Direct Care Workforce (02.08.22)
New AmeriCorps Program Tackles Healthcare Workforce Shortage (02.23.22)
Emergency Staffing Assistance
Jobs Boards
Alliance's IDD Jobs Board
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